Roofing Tips & Advice

6 Common Mistakes Property Owners Make When Deciding On A New Roof


According to statistics, roofing is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. There are plenty of do-it-yourself maintenance jobs that property owners can perform, but roofing is not one of them.

Roofing materials are readily available to purchase through hardware stores and through the manufacturers themselves, but that doesn’t mean you can replace or repair that roof yourself. Manufacturers will only offer a warranty for materials installed by a licensed contractor.

Furthermore, there are important decisions to make when purchasing and installing a new roof system. There are structural, ventilation and installation requirements and standards that need to be met, not to mention safety issues.

It is for this reason, that roof repairs or replacements should only be carried out by qualified, licensed and insured professionals, like those at Hindmarsh Roofing.


We are sure you have heard the expression, ‘you get what you pay for’ and the same applies for roofing estimates. If you have obtained several roofing quotations and one is well below the price of the other quotations, analyse the items listed and ensure that it is comparable. Confirm that the quotation includes the same scope of works, materials, accessories and warranties offered. Often a significantly lower price than the others may indicate that the subcontractor will be cutting corners or using substandard materials.

Also if a contractor claims to be the cheapest without even getting an estimate or will beat any quote, you do not want them working on your premises. They have to make a living like anybody else and the cheapest price generally doesn’t get you a quality job. You may initially pay less to go with the cheapest contractor but it might cost you more in the long run.


The deals that sound too good to be true, usually are…We have all been confronted with them – the high pressure salesperson who offers you that ‘special deal’ only if you sign on the spot today or you will lose that ‘special deal’. Generally, the only individual who benefits from this is the salesperson because he gets a bigger commission for getting the contract signed quickly.

A reputable roofing company won’t require you to sign on the spot by offering you discounts, a free barbecue or ‘I’ll call the manager’ deals. In addition, if a company provides you with a roofing quotation and then discounts the quotation by more than 10%, you may want to rethink and question their price margins and how overpriced their roofing services may be in comparison to other roofing companies.

All quotations will have an expiry date, but they should be valid for a period long enough to source other quotations, discuss your options and make a sound decision.

Hindmarsh Roofing does not employ salespeople or commission based staff. The individual who comes to assess your roof is employed by Hindmarsh Roofing because of their knowledge and experience in the roofing industry.


It may be possible for a roofing company to commence work on your premises immediately if they have had a cancellation or if it’s not peak season. However you should always do a little more investigating.

These days it is difficult to differentiate between a reputable and established roofing company and individuals who have  recently started their business. With today’s technology, everyone can have a website, claim to be experienced and show you examples of their work by purchasing stock images.

Ensure you place your premises in reputable and experienced hands and find out how long the roofing company has been in business. Do they have all the necessary licenses, insurances, offer warranties and are they certified by the manufacturers whose products they are proposing to install.

Download our Checklist for Comparing Roofing Companies here.


With all the details involved in purchasing a new roof, many property owners forget to ask about warranties and what happens if something goes wrong with the roof after installation. Your contractor should be offering you both material and workmanship guarantees in writing.

The workmanship warranty on offer demonstrates a roofing contractor’s confidence in their work and customer service. This reinforces the point that it is important to confirm how long the company has been in business and whether they have the ability to honour the warranty in the future.

A reputable roofing company should be a certified or approved contractor for the products they are installing. Leading manufacturers will only provide a product warranty on new materials if they are installed by a licensed roofing contractor.

It is imperative to deal with an established company with a proven reputation. At Hindmarsh Roofing, we offer our clients a 10 year workmanship warranty. We are fully licensed, insured and only use and recommend genuine Australian made steel products and materials.


Whilst recommendations from family and friends are helpful, using the services of a handyman that is not qualified, licensed or insured is leaving property owners in an extremely vulnerable position.

Over the years we have seen work carried out by handymen that have resulted in poor workmanship and as a result homeowners have been left high and dry with unfinished roofs and water damaged homes.

What may have initially sounded like a wise investment has ended up costing the property owner twice to rectify problems that should have been done correctly the first time.


Your property is more than just a roof over your head, it is probably the single biggest investment you will make in your life time and your roof is undoubtedly the most important part of your premises. It protects your whole property against every weather condition, rain, hail or shine. So it is essential you look after your roof to protect your family and your investments and it’s even more essential that you use a reliable and professional roofing contractor to carry out any roofing repairs or replacements.

Don’t let your roof become your biggest regret, get quality roofing advice and service from professionals. Call Hindmarsh Roofing in Adelaide today on 08 8268 1600 or fill out our online contact form for a free quotation and friendly, professional advice.

6 Common Mistakes Property Owners Make When Deciding On A New Roof Read More »

Roofing Terminology Explained

Is a roof repair or replacement in your future? If you’re a homeowner, the answer is probably yes.

Whether or not you decide on a metal roof, taking a little time to learn ‘roofing terminology’ can be especially helpful when discussing your current roof issues with a roofing contractor. It will also benefit you with the knowledge when reviewing a roofing quotation.

APEX –  The points where the two slopes of the roof meet at the ridge. The tallest point of the roof.

APRON FLASHING –  A one piece flashing, such as is used at the lower side of a chimney that penetrates a sloping roof.

BARGE BOARD –  The board covering the roof timbers on the gable or skillion end of a roof, fixed parallel to the roof slope.

BATTEN –  A batten is a piece of timber or metal channel installed horizontally on top of the rafters to allow sheet metal to be laid and fastened.

BMT –  Base Metal Thickness is a term to describe the thickness of the metal used, not including coatings or paint.

BAY WINDOW –  A window of varying shapes, projecting outward from the wall of a building, forming a recess in a room.

BOX GUTTER –  An internal concealed roof gutter between the slopes of a roof or a roof and a wall that discharges water internally through a sump.

CANOPY –  Any overhanging or projecting roof structure, typically over entrances or doors.

CAPPING –  A covering fixed to the top of a parapet wall or the edge of roofing forming a waterproof seal.

CEILING JOISTS –  These are the horizontal members that provide a structure to fix the ceiling and support and fix the diagonal rafters that define the roof shape and are attached at the top to a ridge beam.

CLADDING –  Any material used to face a building or structure, otherwise known as wall cladding.

COLORBOND® –  COLORBOND® steel is produced with a ZINCALUME® base to provide corrosion resistance and then covered with a chemically applied conversion layer to enhance coating adhesion. On top of this goes a baked on epoxy primer and finally a baked on exterior grade top-coat.

CONTRACTOR –  One who agrees by written agreement or contract to supply materials and perform certain types of work for a specified sum of money.

CUPOLA –  A relatively small roofed structure generally set on the ridge or peak of a main roof area.

DORMER WINDOW –  A vertical window or opening, coming through a sloping roof and usually provided with its own pitched roof. Often used in attics to add light and a pleasing design to the house.

DOWNPIPE –  A pipe for draining water from the rainwater gutters to the ground or storm water runoff system.

EAVES –  The lower part of a roof that overhangs the walls.

EAVES FLASHING –  Additional layer of roofing material applied at the eaves to help prevent damage from water backup.

FALL –  The slope or pitch of a roof or gutter.

FASCIA –  A board fixed horizontally to the lower ends of the rafters, to which guttering is fixed.

FASTENERS –  Any of a wide variety of mechanical securement devices and assemblies, including nails, screws, cleats, clips and bolts, which may be used to secure various components of a roof assembly.

FINIAL –  Usually a pointed ornament at the top of a gable, hip junctions and dutch gables.

FIRE RATING –  System for classifying the fire resistance of various materials. Roof materials are rated Class A, B or C with Class A materials having the highest resistance to fire originating outside the structure.

FLASHING –  Components used to weatherproof or seal the roof system edges at the perimeters, penetrations, walls and other places, such as vent-pipes, chimneys, valleys and joints at vertical walls.

GABLE –  The triangular end of a housed formed at the end of a pitched roof, from eaves level to apex.

GUTTER –  A channel (usually sheet metal) installed along the down slope perimeter of a roof to convey runoff water from the roof to the downpipes.

GUTTER GUARD –  Purpose made perforated system installed over the gutter to prevent gutters clogging from leaves and other debris.

HIP –  The inclined external angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof. The hip runs from the ridge to the eaves.

HIPPED ROOF –  A roof with an end roughly pyramidal in shape, with surfaces sloping upwards from all three eaves.

INSULATION –  Insulation, or more correctly thermal insulation, is a general term used to describe products that reduce heat loss or heat gain by providing a barrier between areas that are significantly different in temperature.

LEAD FLASHING –  A soft workable metal used for sealing roof penetrations.

PARAPET WALL –  A perimeter wall which extends above the roof.

PENETRATION –  Any object that passing through the roof.

PONDING –  The accumulation of water at low lying areas on a roof.

PROFILE –  The shape and design of the materials.

PURLINS –  These run horizontally and parallel to the ridge beam and perpendicular to the roof slope. They are fixed on top of the rafters and help prevent roof sag.

RAFTER –  A rafter is a parallel beam that supports the roof and is part of the truss. It is the principal support for roofing materials.

RAINWATER HEAD –  Rainwater heads are an essential design element for buildings where internal box gutters are used. A rainwater head or sump is a container located between the gutter and downpipe that aids the flow of water away from the roof. It acts as an external overflow point to minimise water surges into the storm water system and aid the flow of water down the downpipe.

RIDGE –  The highest point on the roof, represented by a horizontal line where two roof areas intersect, running the length of the area.

RIDGE CAPPING –  A covering over a ridge line forming the waterproof seal between the two sides of the roof.

ROOF PITCH –  The angle formed between a sloping roof surface and a horizontal line, usually expressed in degrees.

ROOF SPAN –  This is the distance across the roof and measured to the outer edges of the wall plates.

ROOF SYSTEM –  A system of interacting roof components designated to weatherproof and to insulate a building top surface.

ROOF TRUSS –  A frame designed to carry the loads of a roof and it’s covering over the full span without intermediate support.

SARKING –  Is a strong, moisture proof, reflective, metallic building paper which is placed over the roof battens/purlins and installed beneath the external roof covering. Ideal for waterproofing and insulation.

SCAFFOLDING –  A temporary structure specifically erected to support access platforms or working platforms.

SCRIBING –  Cutting a piece of sheet metal to fit the profile of another to which it is to be fitted.

SEALANT –  A mixture of polymers, fillers and pigments used to fill and seal joints where moderate movement is expected. It cures to a resilient solid.

SKILLION –  A roof shape consisting of a single sloping surface.

SKYLIGHT –  A glazed window or translucent roof section fitted parallel to the roof slope to admit light.

SOFFIT –  The lining installed under the eaves between the fascia board and external wall.

SUMP –  A sump is usually attached between a box gutter and the downpipe. They collect storm-water before it is carried away by the downpipe and they also serve to catch any debris before it enters the downpipe.

TCT –  Total Coating Thickness is a term used to describe the overall thickness of a coloured or coated sheet metal. This figure includes the Base Metal Thickness, plus the paints or coatings.

TRUSS ROOF –  The prefabricated, self-supporting, triangulated structural framework commonly used for all types of roofs.

VALLEY –  The internal angle formed by two inclined slopes of a roof. A metal ‘V’ shaped gutter is fixed in this area to direct water to the gutter.

VENT –  An opening or device used to permit air or vapor to exit an enclosed structure.

WHIRLY BIRD –  Whirly birds are a type of semi-mechanical vent that can be installed on the roof to help remove heat from the ceiling cavity.

ZINCALUME® –  ZINCALUME® is steel that is dipped in a zinc based product to give it a protective coating.


Would you like to learn more about Roofing Products? What are the different profiles? What is the best choice for you?

If you are considering a Metal Roof, the South Australian roofing team here at Hindmarsh Roofing are happy to discuss your needs and talk to you at length about your project.

For any questions or clarification on the roofing terminology, please contact Hindmarsh Roofing on 08 8268 1600 or fill out our online contact form and one of our team members will contact you as soon as possible.

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Why Metal Roofs Are Popular In Adelaide & South Australia

COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® are both iconic brands that have become household names in Australia. Whilst there are many different kinds of metal roofing options, COLORBOND® Steel and ZINCALUME® Steel are the most commonly used in Australia.

For over 45 years COLORBOND® Steel has evolved into one of the worlds most advanced building materials.

Today, according to research carried out by BlueScope Steel, nearly half of all new homes in Australia have roofs made from COLORBOND® Steel, 9 out of 10 new homes built in Australia feature products made from COLORBOND® Steel and over 80 per cent of all Australian gutters and fascia’s are made from COLORBOND® Steel.

COLORBOND® Steel has become Australia’s single most popular roofing brand.


ENERGY EFFICIENCY – Using thermally efficient roofing materials like COLORBOND® Steel can help reduce your cooling costs by up to 20 per cent. Combining COLORBOND® Steel with Thermatech® technology and insulation will help your building remain comfortable all year round. In summer, air-conditioners have an easier job keeping your building cool, thereby saving money on energy costs as well as reducing emissions from electricity generation. In winter, the same metal roof, properly insulated will help keep the heat inside. The choice of colour can also influence thermal performance. Lighter colours, in particular, radiate less heat during summer.

ECO–FRIENDLY – Metal roofing is considered a green material because it is recyclable, reusable, sustainable and practically maintenance free. Steel is 100% recyclable and is one of the world’s most reused materials. It is durable and lightweight making it more efficient and cost effective to transport. Sheets are pre-cut to required lengths so there is less wastage, thereby reducing the impact on the job site and its surroundings.

LONGEVITY – Iron roofing is made to withstand harsh conditions of a dry sunburnt state like South Australia. 45 years of research and development in Australia alone, under some of the toughest conditions our country has to offer, has proven for many years just how durable metal roofing can be. COLORBOND® and ZINCALUME® regularly outlast the range of BlueScope Steel manufacturer’s warranties (up to 30 years) that are offered for a variety of applications.

VERSATILITY – Metal roofs come in a wide variety of colours, profiles, textures, finishes and styles. From basic to intricate, metal roofing can be shaped to your needs. It suits both heritage and modern style homes and is the only option available for flat or low pitch roofs. There is also the appeal of being able to co-ordinate your home, the COLORBOND® range is available for wall cladding, fencing, downpipes, fascia’s, garage doors and even cubby houses and dog kennels, providing an aesthetically pleasing environment around your residence.

SECURITY & PEACE OF MIND – Metal roofing is very secure, someone attempting to enter the home cannot just lift a sheet of iron like removing a tile, to break in through metal roofing is a noisy, time consuming process. Metal roofing is generally installed in continuous lengths, made to order sheets, removing many joins and possible entry points for water to leak into your home. As well as looking visually appealing metal roofing is extremely strong, resisting strong winds and hail and providing a barrier from falling branches and debris. In addition, metal roofing is non-combustible, termite resistant and low maintenance.

We all know that weather can be unpredictable and with the extreme Australian conditions like torrential rain, hail storms, gusty winds and bush fires affecting homes right across the country, more and more homeowners are seeking the protection of a metal roof.


COLORBOND® Steel and ZINCALUME® Steel are some of the toughest, most advanced building materials in the world. With its baked on finish, COLORBOND® has been tried and tested for over 45 years in some of the harshest climates across Australia, so you can rest assured that COLORBOND® Steel not only looks beautiful, it is durable and has outstanding thermal properties.

Offering some of the best warranties in today’s market, BlueScope Steel offers a warranty against corrosion to perforation by weathering in the natural elements for a period of up to 30 years for COLORBOND® Steel and ZINCALUME® Steel from the date of installation. BlueScope Steel also warrants that the paint system on COLORBOND® Steel will not flake or peel due to natural weathering for a period of up to 20 years from the date of installation.


Hindmarsh Roofing has all your solutions for Metal Roofing, Cladding and Rainwater Products in the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors covered.

Established in 1979, Hindmarsh Roofing’s team of qualified roof plumbers, supervisors, estimators and office staff have extensive knowledge and can offer expertise in material selection, design ideas and water drainage. We have the flexibility and skills to work on any size project, regardless of its complexity or design.

If you are considering a Metal Roof, the South Australian roofing team here at Hindmarsh Roofing are happy to discuss your needs and talk to you at length about your project and budget. Give us a call today on 08 8268 1600 or fill out our online contact form and one of our team members will contact you as soon as possible.

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